Proposed Rates for 2023/24

After three years of no rate increases, the City of Swan is proposing to introduce a small increase to rates to continue to deliver high quality services and projects for our rapidly growing community.

Feedback has now been received and an update has been provided in the latest news section below.

The average increase for residential, commercial and industry rates is 3.75% per cent, which is significantly less than current levels of inflation. This increase incorporates an unexpected significant increase to tariff charges for street lighting proposed by Western Power. If this increase is not accepted by the Economic Regulation Authority the City's average rate increase will be approximately 0.5% lower.

The increase equates to, on average, $54 more annually per household, which is equivalent to just over a $1 a week. Pensioners in the City will pay even less, with a 50 per cent discount of up to $750 on their rates.

The City applies a differential rating approach to levying rates. That is, it distinguishes between different types of properties in the City based upon the predominant use of the land, and then uses that to determine the category of rate investment applied to each property.

This year is a Gross Rental Value (GRV) and Unimproved Value (UV) revaluation year for all local governments, and as such, many properties will see a change in their rates this year. This revaluation is based on an assessment by the Valuer General at Landgate, who determines the rental value of all homes and unimproved value of land.

The revaluation means some property owners will pay more rates, while others will pay less. There is no means by which a simple uniform dollar value increase can be applied.

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Thank you for your participation

Thank you for your submission to the City of Swan (the City) regarding the intention to levy differential rates for the 2023/24 financial year. The City has read and considered all the feedback received, and we thank you for taking the time to provide your input.

A report summarising the submissions we received was tabled and discussed at a Special Council Meeting held on May 30, 2023.

Most of the submissions we received requested that the City minimise the proposed rate increase due to current cost of living pressures and other factors.

We are pleased to advise that the Council listened to your feedback and endorsed a 3.25 per cent increase at the Special Council Meeting on May 30, 2023. This was 0.5 per cent lower than the advertised 3.75 per cent rate increase.

This means that the total rates revenue collected per rateable property by the City in 2023/24 will be 3.25 per cent higher than in the 2022/23 financial year.

The City’s adopted 2023/24 budget is the result of months of deliberation and collaboration to find savings, while taking into consideration the current economic climate, the growth of the community and increased need for services, maintenance and infrastructure. Differential rates are reviewed each year as part of the City’s annual budget process to ensure we can continue to cover our costs.

The City understands that changes in the Gross Rental Valuations (GRV) and Unimproved Valuations (UV) – which are outside of the City’s control – of rateable properties in 2023/24 will also have an impact on rate values. This means some rates notices will be higher and some lower for 2023/24 in comparison to 2022/23, regardless of the 3.25 per cent increase adopted by Council.

In additional to cost of living pressures, the other main theme in the submissions we received was that the City is not spending enough on service delivery or capital projects. In adopting a rate increase that is much lower than the current rate of inflation, the City has taken a prudent approach to the cost of service delivery.

The City will continue to consider any specific and voluntary requests by our ratepayers for a review of their property’s valuation method, as per the current Local Government Act 1995.

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Rating Services office on (08) 9267 9160.

Thank you again for your support and engagement with the City of Swan.

Created On :  20 June 2023