The Complete Guide to Cloth Nappies

Sara from Earthside Eco Bums and The Nappy Guru, Kam Andrews presented workshops throughout May and June 2023 guiding locals through a reusable nappy journey.

Participants where provided an opportunity to ‘ask and play’ until they ‘walked away’ feeling confident with cloth!

Workshop participants were given a kit to take home and try! Each kit being valued at $100 and included the following:

  • One cloth nappy with a bamboo charcoal insert
  • One cloth nappy with organic cotton/bamboo insert
  • One reusable swim nappy (medium size)
  • One additional bamboo charcoal insert
  • One additional bamboo/cotton insert
  • Four reusable bamboo wipes
  • One wet bag

Those residents who were unable to attend a workshop, were asked to indicate their interest in future workshops and the continuation of a cloth nappy sample or a nappy rebate being initiated through the City of Swan.

Based on feedback from workshop participants and those who were unable to attend, City staff are now preparing a business case for similar opportunities to be offered to City of Swan residents.

Continue to follow this page for any future updates in this space.

What we learnt from participants

  • Participants overwhelming encouraged to change habits or practices in relation to their use of and care of cloth nappies.

  • In general, participants indicated that the kit provided was a great starter kit to encourage people to consider cloth.

  • 46% of participants indicated that the incentive kit influenced their decision to use reusable nappies after their attendance at a workshop.

  • 8% of participants report effort, lack of time and financial barriers as preventing them using cloth nappies

  • 23 of 43 participants believe the City of Swan should continue to provide a sample cloth nappy kit for households with new borns.

  • 98% of participants would recommend the workshops to others