LDP-12/2024 - Local Development Plan (WAPC 164035) - Lot 7 No.83 Harrow Street, Dayton

The Western Australian Planning Commission have recently approved the subdivision of 27 new lots between Harrow Street and Cheshire Way. Consequently, a Local Development Plan has been prepared for these proposed lots adjoining the Dampier to Bunbury Gas Pipeline Corridor and/or meter station pipeline buffer shown on the approved plan of subvision.

It addresses the following matters:

  1. Setbacks related to building exclusion zones on all lots affected by a bushfire rating of BAL-FZ or BAL-4
  2. Building exclusion zones for proposed Lots 51 – 54 and Lot 84 related to the meter station pipeline buffer
  3. Site Access and Street Setbacks requirements for all corner lots subject to this LDP as well as proposed lots 51 – 54 and lot 84 inclusive of such measures including designated garage locations and nominated setback requirements.

In accordance with Clause 50(3) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 (deemed provisions) where it is considered that such provisions could have the potential to affect areas adjoining the area covered by the plan, the City may seek comments from affected parties prior determining the application.

If you have any comments/objections relating to the proposal please complete the Online Feedback Form on the City’s Website by close of business 5pm, 25 September 2024.

Opportunity for Public Comment

LDP-12/2024 - Local Development Plan (WAPC 164035) - Lot 7 No.83 Harrow Street, DAYTON

You are invited to comment on this proposed development using this feedback form.