The plan highlights the priorities of the community identified during the consultation period. It also creates a roadmap for the City to plan for and deliver outcomes that meet the aspirations and needs of the community.

Current plan priorities

  • The City is aware of hotspots in Malaga and conducts proactive patrols to educate and manage parking behaviours.
  • The City investigates properties where designated parking bays on private properties are being used for other purposes.
  • New designs have been proposed for the Malaga footbridge planned to go over Tonkin Highway. This will give residents and workers in Malaga, Ballajura and surrounding suburbs safe access to the METRONET Malaga Station for walking and cycling.
  • Recycling Centre- Malaga has contributed to the reduction of illegal dumping from 392.24t in 2017/18 to 180.34t in 2022/23, a massive 54 per cent reduction. In 2022/23, 28,219 vehicles entered the centre. To read more about it click this link.
  • The City has a bin tagging program whereby staff conduct checks of bins and provide constructive feedback on how businesses can recycle better. This has resulted in a 40 per cent improvement in recycling in Malaga. To read more about it click this link.
  • The City has an online reporting tool which allows community members to report littering and illegal dumping in their areas. In 2022/23, 46 litter work requests were reported in Malaga. To read more about it click this link.
  • The City periodically deploys mobile CCTV cameras throughout Malaga and continues to work with the Malaga Crime Management Forum by contributing to the maintenance of existing CCTV cameras.
  • The City plans to install overhead mast arms (used to place traffic and street signs above the roadway for maximum visibility) at the intersection of Victoria Road and Malaga Drive in 2023/24.

Read more.

  • The City reviewed the investment sheet for Malaga in 2022, incorporating recent developments, such as the Malaga Train Station, film studios and also identifying areas for investment opportunities.
  • The City's Local Planning Scheme review will allow the area to adapt to meet the needs of a changing commercial area whilst retaining its essential industrial core, through the introduction of definitions.