This is the first annual update on the community priorities set in the Ellenbrook Local Area Plan, which was adopted in March 2023 and is valid for 5 years. Read more here.

Community priorities updates will be provided yearly until 2028 when a new Ellenbrook Local Area Plan will be created and will identify new community priorities after community consultation.

Community Snapshot


Community Priorities

  • Priority 1

    Provide more support and social activities for yound people

  • Priority 2

    Protect and retain trees and the natural environment.

  • Priority 3

    Increasing visibility of safety and crime prevention initiatives.

  • Priority 4

    Promote Ellenbrook to increase business and service attraction.

  • Priority 5

    Attract local support services in Ellenbrook.

Area Wide Updates

  • Priority 1 Update

    The City provides staff to run the Youth Leadership Committee which delivers activities and events such as R U OK? Day and Halloween events with a minimum of 10 regular participants.

  • Priority 1 Update

    The City undertook several park upgrades (shade sail installations, BBQ replacement, lighting, etc.) and playground equipment replacement.

    • Badminton Park
    • Aveley Central Park
    • Holdsworth Park
    • Wistful Wetland
    • Moulton Wetland
    • Coolamon Oval
    • Ellenbrook District Open Space
    • Brook Park
  • Priority 2 Update

    The City supports 11 Friends of Groups and volunteers have completed over 1,500 hours of environmental restoration activities (weeding, litter removal and tree/wetland planting) within the Ellenbrook local area in 2023.

  • Priority 3 Update

    The City now has 10 mobile CCTV units deployed throughout the City, including in the Ellenbrook Local Area Plan region’

  • Priority 4 Update

    In 2023, the City delivered a business mentoring and thrive online program to increase business attraction, which was attended by 23 people. The City also distributed 16 free Digital Solution consultation vouchers.

  • Priority 4 Update

    In 2023, 1,460 new businesses (sole traders, companies and partnerships) were created in the local area, representing an increase of 61 per cent from 2022.

Location Specific Updates