DA-501/2024 - Studio Addition (Ancillary Accommodation) - Lot 5713 (No.7) Boxgrove Loop, Ellenbrook

The City has received an application for a proposed ancillary dwelling at Lot 5713 (No.7) Boxgrove Loop, Ellenbrook. The application is being advertised to affected neighburs as the location proposes a variation to Detailed Area Plan 29B – Coolamon – Stage 18.

The ancillary dwelling measures 8m x 4.3m (34.4m2) with a wall height of 2.4m and a maximum roof pitch height of 3.3m.

The setback variation is as follows:

  • Ancillary dwelling to be setback 1.1 metres from the rear boundary in lieu of the permissible 1.5 metres.

The ancillary dwelling complies with all other lot boundary setbacks, and no windows are proposed on the rear wall of the dwelling.

If you have any comments/objections relating to the proposal please complete the Online Feedback Form on the City’s Website by close of business 5pm, 26 September 2024.

Opportunity for Public Comment

DA-501/2024 - Studio Addition (Ancillary Accommodation) - Lot 5713 (No.7) Boxgrove Loop, ELLENBROOK

You are invited to comment on this proposed development using this feedback form.