DA-11/2023 - Existing Illuminated Signage - Lot 13 (No.121) James Street, Guildford

The City has received the abovementioned proposal for consideration. Prior to the City giving consideration to the proposal, comments from surrounding owners are sought.

Applicant is seeking development approval for existing illuminated signage at Lot 13 (No.121) James Street, Guildford.

The subject lot is zoned ‘Urban’ under the MRS and ‘General Commercial’ under the City’s Local Planning Scheme No.17

The application seeks approval for the following:

• 2 x internally illuminated signs located 3.2m above the footpath:

o 1.7m Wide

o 1.5m Height

o 0.15m Depth

o Setback from the forward lot boundary by 0.4m

o The two signs are to be placed back-to-back to display in an east-west orientation giving the appearance that it is a single-sided sign.

• The proponent has indicated that they have the ability turn off the internal illumination and they intend to exercise this in the following manner:

o Switched on from 5pm to 8:30pm Monday – Thursday and Sunday

o Switched on from 5pm to 10pm Friday – Saturday

o Switched off in all non-disclosed instances.

It should be noted that in the event that this signage is approved, the City will manage the periods of illumination via the imposition of a condition of approval.

The subject proposal varies provision M8.11.2.6 of the Guildford-Mandoon Heritage Area Policy (Part A) which states:

“Pylon, digital, neon or internally illuminated signage shall not be supported. Other non-traditional signage is also considered inappropriate and is unlikely to be supported”.

Despite the policy discouraging internally illuminated signage, the City is currently seeking comments from nearby landowners and occupants in relation to the following contentions made by the applicant:

1. The subject lot is NOT considered contributory to the heritage characteristics of the Guildford Historic Township;

2. City Staff are of the position currently that this signage will contribute to an attractive daytime and evening atmosphere by virtue of its controlled periods in which the internal illumination will be active; and

3. The sign will not inherently detract from the architecture of the non-contributory building in which it is associated with.

If you have any comments/objections relating to the proposal please complete the Online Feedback Form on the City’s Website by close of business 5pm, 16 September 2024.

Opportunity for Public Comment

DA-11/2023 - Existing Illuminated Signage - Lot 13 (No.121) James Street, Guildford

You are invited to comment on this proposed development using this feedback form.