DA-630/2024 - Industry Extractive (Sand and Gravel Extraction - 10 years) - Lot 9 (No.405) Jenkins Road, Bullsbrook

The City has received an application to renew the development approval and extractive industry license for the existing clay quarry located at lot 9 (No. 405) Jenkins Road Bullsbrook.

Approval would allow for the continuation of clay extraction works on the site until 2034, a further ten (10) year period.

Lot 9 (No. 405) Jenkins Road Bullsbrook encompasses an area of approximately 705.179 hectares and the clay quarry is located in the central portion of the lot. The property is zoned ‘Landscape’. The land use considered is ‘Industry-Extractive’ which is an ‘A’ use within the ‘Landscape’ zone. ‘A’ means that the use is not permitted unless the local government has exercised its discretion by granting planning approval after giving special notice in accordance with Clause 9.4 of the City of Swan Local Planning Scheme No. 17.

The details of the proposal are as follows:

  • The current excavation area equates to 10 hectares with an additional 17.5 hectares of resource to be excavated
  • The operations have been occurring onsite for 20(+) years
  • Up to 20,000 tonnes of sand and 5,000 tonnes of gravel materials are anticipated to be extracted per year
  • Hours of operation, will be 7.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday excluding public holidays for processing and excavation
  • The site will be accessed from Jenkins Road
  • Progressive rehabilitation of the site with the use of clean fill material and aggregate products, as the resource is removed.

If you have any comments/objections relating to the proposal please complete the Online Feedback Form on the City’s Website by close of business 5pm, 20 September 2024.

Opportunity for Public Comment

DA-630/2024-Industry Extractive (Sand and Gravel Extraction-10 years) - No.405 Jenkins Rd BULLSBROOK

You are invited to comment on this proposed development using this feedback form.