DA-610/2024 - Form 1 Regulation 6,7 & 19 - Warehouse and Incidental Office - Lot 119 Lakes Road & Lot 808 (No.54) Lakes Road, Hazelmere

The City has received the abovementioned proposal for consideration.

The application is for a ‘Warehouse and incidental Office’ and is summarised as follows:

  • A main two-level office of 1,000m2 adjoining the north-western side of Warehouse 1;
  • Car parking for 169 vehicles, including two ACROD spaces and eight electric vehicle charging spaces;
  • Warehouse 1 which will comprise of 22,500m2 warehouse floor space and a100m2 single storey dock office adjoining the eastern side;
  • Warehouse 2 which will comprose of 15,000m2 warehouse floorspace and a100m2 single storey dock office adjoining the eastern side;
  • A dedicated heavy duty concrete hardstand of 12,160m2 to the east of the warehouses;
  • Vehicle access from Lakes Road.
  • Volume of traffic generated by the proposed development traffic is estmated to be 102 trips in both the AM and PM peak periods.

In addition to the Planning Report and proposed development plans, the development
application includes the following technical reports:

  • Environmental Noise Assessment;
  • Geotech Report;
  • Site and Soil Evaluation;
  • Stormwater Management Plan;
  • Sustainabity Strategy;
  • Transport Impact Assessment.

The subject site is zoned ‘Light Industrial’ under the City’s Local Planning Scheme No. 17. The use is classified as a ‘Warehouse’ with an incidental ‘Office’. A ‘Warehouse’ is a ‘P’ permitted use within the zone. Please be advised the City is not the decision-maker for this application and the application will be determined by the Metro Outer – Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) due to the value of the proposed works. The City’s role is to provide a recommendation to the JDAP through a Responsible Authority Report. As part of preparing the City’s Responsible Authority Reporty to the JDAP the City are seeking your comments on the proposal. Your comments will be included within the Responsible Authority Report to ensure that the Community’s views can have the opportunity to form part of the JDAP’s consideration of the proposal.

If you have any comments/objections relating to the proposal please complete the Online Feedback Form on the City’s Website by close of business 5pm, 25 September 2024.

Please ensure you quote reference number: DA-610/2024 on any submission. The City will notify all submitters in writing of the Metro Outer – Joint Development Assessment Panel meeting once the meeting date has been listed by the Development Assessment Panel.

Opportunity for Public Comment

DA-610/2024 - Form 1 Regulation 6,7 & 19 - Warehouse -Lot 119 Lakes Road & Lot 808 (No.54) Lakes Roa

You are invited to comment on this proposed development using this feedback form.