DA-584/2024 - Existing Fence & Gate - Lot 166 (No.84) Orchard Street, Upper Swan

You are invited to comment on the above Planning Application before the City of Swan considers the proposal. The applicant seeks retrospective approval for an existing fence and gate at Lot 166 (No.84) Orchard Street, Upper Swan. The fence does not meet exemption criteria for the General Rural zone as per Schedule 5 of the City’s Local Planning Scheme 17.

The application proposes:

  • 0.5m extension to 1.8m Colorbond fencing (2.3m total height)
  • Additional fence height extends 4.65m along southern side of Orchard Street
  • 2.3m (h) x 5.9m (w) Colorbond gates opening onto Orchard Street.

If you have any comments/objections relating to the proposal please complete the Online Feedback Form on the City’s Website by close of business 5pm, 30 September 2024.

​Opportunity for Public Comment

DA-584/2024 - Existing Fence & Gate - Lot 166 (No.84) Orchard Street, UPPER SWAN

You are invited to comment on this proposed development using this feedback form.