DA-561/2024 - Retaining Wall - Lot 509 (No.18) Loder Way, South Guildford

The City has received the abovementioned proposal for consideration. The applicant is seeking Development Approval for two retaining walls at Lot 509 (No. 18) Loder Way, SOUTH GUILDFORD.

One proposed retaining wall will sit 2.3m above the natural ground level at its highest point and 1.3m at its lowest point, at a length of 24.8m.

The second proposed retaining wall will sit at 0.8m above the natural ground level at a length of 11.8m

If you have any comments/objections relating to the proposal please complete the Online Feedback Form on the City’s Website by close of business 5pm, 23 September 2024.

Opportunity for Public Comment

DA-561/2024 - Retaining Wall - Lot 509 (No.18) Loder Way, SOUTH GUILDFORD

You are invited to comment on this proposed development using this feedback form.