DA-499/2024 - New Single House & Shed - Lot 314 (No.28) Litchfield Promenade, Jane Brook

The City has received the abovementioned proposal for consideration.

The applicant is seeking approval to construct a new single dwelling and an outbuilding at Lot 314 (No.28) Litchfield Promenade, Jane Brook.

The following key elements will be included as part of this application and the proposed development of the land (please refer the drawings):

The construction of a new single dwelling (two storey) comprising a total floor area of 759m2.

  • Construction of a carport along the frontage of the new dwelling;
  • Construction of one (1) outbuilding comprising an area of 298.8m2;
  • Construction of a swimming pool;
  • Construction of retaining walls;
  • Construction of one (1) crossover along the land’s Litchfield Promenade frontage; and
  • Installation of landscaping throughout the subject land.

The proposed structures are outside the building envelope and seeking variations on the setback requirements as per the POL-TP-126 Building and Development Standards – Rural Zones policy.

Proposed DevelopmentProvided SetbackCompliance
Single house: Required:
Front setback – 30m Side setback – 20m Rear setback – 30m
Front setback – 27.8m Side setback – 33.5m and 23m to Lot 313 Rear setback – 156m No
Outbuilding: Required:
Front setback – 30m Side setback – 20m Rear setback – 30m
Front setback – 9.7m Side setback – 6.5m Rear setback – 180m No

If you have any comments/objections relating to the proposal please complete the Online Feedback Form on the City’s Website by close of business 5pm, 19 September 2024.

Opportunity for Public Comment

DA-499/2024 - New Single House & Shed - Lot 314 (No.28) Litchfield Promenade, Jane Brook

You are invited to comment on this proposed development using this feedback form.