DA-438/2024 - Form 1 Regulation 6,7 & 19 - Place of Worship - Lot 9 (No.5) Bennett Street, Caversham

The City has received the abovementioned proposal for consideration.

The application is for a ‘Place of Worship’ and is summarised as follows:

  • The proposed development will hold religious activities such as worship services, daily Mass services and additional services for special occasions such as Weddings, Funerals and annual celebrations
  • Proposed Main Church Building (666m2) and Function Hall building (462m2)
  • Hours and days of operation include the following:
    • Sunday (7am to 1pm) for Worship Services
    • Monday to Friday (9am to 10am) for Daily Mass Service and (6pm to 8pm) for Religious Meetings and Friday night prayer
    • Saturday (7am to 1pm) for annual celebrations
    • Christmas Eve and Easter Eve service (9pm to 2am)
  • Maximum number of patrons will be 300 persons
  • Meeting rooms and function hall used occasionally on weeknights for religious meetings (max. 20 people)
  • Daily Mass Services (maximum 80 people)
  • The Church is run by its parishioners and has no full-time employee currently
  • Existing dwelling to be retained
  • 75 car parks proposed.

In addition to the Planning Report and proposed development plans, the development application includes the following technical reports:

  • Bushfire Management Plan
  • Environmental Noise Assessment
  • Transport Impact Statement
  • Waste Management Plan.

The subject site is zoned ‘General Rural’ under the City’s Local Planning Scheme No. 17. The use is classified as a ‘Place of Worship’ which is a ‘D’ use within the zone which means the use is not permitted unless the local government has exercised its discretion by granting planning approval.

If you have any comments/objections relating to the proposal please complete the Online Feedback Form on the City’s Website by close of business 5pm, 16 September 2024.

Opportunity for Public Comment

DA-438/2024 - Form 1 Regulation 6,7 & 19 - Place of Worship - Lot 9 (No.5) Bennett Street, CAVERSHAM

You are invited to comment on this proposed development using this feedback form.