The City of Swan took feedback from residents of Ballajura on a proposed Safe Active Street to provide an east-west connection between the existing Tonkin Highway pedestrian shared path and Ballajura Central Shopping Centre.

In addition, this Safe Active Street would tie into the proposed Tonkin Highway footbridge to provide Ballajura residents with better pedestrian/cycle access to the Malaga Train Station.

If the community support the project, there is no certainty about the timing of the works as it is subject to community feedback, future Council resolution, and grant funding.

Survey closed on January 14, 2024

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  • Thank you for your participation

    Recently you spent some time providing us with your online feedback about the proposed Safe Active Street in Ballajura.
    Your feedback will improve how we deliver this project to make sure it is in line with community expectation.
    We will now take some time to evaluate the comments and provide you with any updates as soon as possible.