Community Snapshot

Area wide updates

  • Priority 1 Update

    The City assisted with the delivery of the annual Swan Open Studios in April 2024, with a number of local Guildford artists and businesses participating in the 10-day event. The annual initiative invites the public to explore workspaces and purchase local artwork directly and showcases local creative work and engagement with new audiences.

  • Priority 1 Update

    The City’s Place Activation team are also reviewing the Guildford banners in 23/24 and considering new designs for 2025 in collaboration with the City’s Community and Engagement team.

  • Priority 2 Update

    The City offers a wide range of grant and sponsorship options for community groups and community events. Community grants awarded in the Guildford area in 2023 include:

    • Swan Aboriginal Community Christmas Celebration – Ngala - Swan Communities for Children
    • Accessioning Project - Guildford Association Inc
    • Guildford 2024 dance rehearsal and social connectivity space
    • Growing your Brighter Future - Casson Homes Incorporated.
  • Priority 4 Update

    Council resolved to approve the Tree Protection and Management Policy for advertising. The policy aims to encourage and facilitate the retention and maintenance of the urban tree canopy cover throughout the city. The policy is planned to be advertised in late 2024 and will facilitate a level of protection for trees and vegetation outside the heritage listed sites.

Location specific updates