The tennis courts at Alta Laguna Park, Ballajura have come to the end of their life and it's time to investigate what's next for the space.

The City knows the current courts are underutilised so we are seeking community feedback on what should replace them.

The City has now investigated some possible future uses for the space and has prepared draft concept plans for community feedback.

The options include:

  • Repurposing the current courts into a multisport court
  • Removing the tennis courts and installing climbing structures ('bouldering')
  • Converting the tennis courts to bike track
  • Refurbishing the tennis courts

The City will consider all the submissions and make a decision based on the predominant views of the community and taking into account the budget considerations for each.

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  • Thank you for your participation!

    Recently you spent some time providing us with your online feedback about Alta Laguna Tennis Courts Replacement.

    Your feedback will improve how we deliver this project to make sure it is in line with community expectation.

    We will now take some time to evaluate the submissions and prepare the final concept. We will be in touch with you when this occurs.

  • Update

    Recently you spent some time providing us with your online feedback about the current tennis courts at Alta Laguna.

    Feedback has now been reviewed and the preferred option based on the consultation results was a Multi-sport court.

    Council have decided to proceed with the Multi-Sport Court at Alta Laguna, the project is currently in design and due for construction in 2024/25 financial year.